Sunday, 23 October 2016

Object copying speed comparison

       I've been wondering about speed differences in execution of property copying code, which is usually used/found in the adapter pattern implementation. The answers are obviously in stackoverflow and in various blogs. But I thought about pushing it a bit further and comparing speeds of different approaches to this issue.

Bear in mind different ways of doing the same thing have advantages and disadvantages and each way has different caveats. I've selected a couple of approaches, there are many which I've either missed or disregarded. Some of the listed methods have minimal differences between them - or would never be used in production code.

As a common use case for all I've selected copying data between a data transfer object (DTO) object and a View Model object.
  1. ManualMap - an ordinary property by property copying of whatever is in the object. Most often this is how it's done manually. Uses a foreach loop to loop through the objects.
  2. ManualForArrayMap - takes in an array of Dtos and uses a for loop. It could use a list as well.
  3. LinqMap - same as the foreach one but uses Linq to loop through the items.
  4. AutoMapperMap - uses automapper and foreach loop to loop through all the items
  5. AutoMapperLinqMap - similarly as above but uses Linq
  6. AutoMapperCollectionMap - maps the whole collection in one go instead of looping through the items and mapping one by one.
  7. ILMap - uses Emitted code which is cached as a delegate. Generic.
  8. ExpressionMap - uses expressions to bind properties of the objects. Generic.
  9. ReflectionOrderedPropertiesCopy - uses reflection with the assumption that the properties are ordered. Generic.
  10. ReflectionPropertySearchCopy - uses reflection and searches for each property within the object by name. Generic.
  11. ParallelForEachManualMap - uses a partitioner and a parallel foreach loop to split the collection into separate ranges.
  12. ParallelLinqMap - parallel linq with the use of AsParallel method. Checked a couple of times with different degrees of parallelism set.
The slowest out of these were the ones which use reflection (9 and 10), I haven't added them in the comparison cause numbers were off the chart. 7 and 8 use reflection as well but only when building the lookup - the time required for it is not taken into consideration, similarly as AutoMapper configuration.

To check the timings I've used DotNetBenchmark library, I've run it in release outside of Visual Studio to have fairly correct results. All the results below are actually a median taken out of multiple runs of the same method.

Below you can see the comparison of timings for different numbers of DTOs fed into the methods, all of these timings are in nanoseconds.

Comparison of timings.
Next I've created a chart based on the above.

There are some obvious takeaways above. I'll go into more details in the next post.

I'm pretty sure I have missed something or introduced some errors in the code - if you notice anything feel free to let me know. The code itself is sometimes under optimized and sometimes over optimized - but it was not the point of this specific post - it was more getting the general feeling of how fast can this boilerplate code run.

Github with sources for the comparison project:

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

TabItem Validation Sample

     Recently I've been asked several questions on the TabItem tutorial I've done some time ago. Because I haven't had any sources containg the code at hand I've finally found the time to refresh my memory and cobble together a sample.

Below sample is just a proof of concept. The code shouldn't be looked at as an example of good design and was prepared only to show the validation of tab items. In a production code ViewModels wouldn't be created in the view and command would be used instead of on click event for the button. Event aggregator, message bus or some other pattern could be used for exchange of information between the view models. Please treat this code as a very rough scaffolding. The sample follows the tutorial introduced some time ago, hence no refactoring or cleaning has been done.

Previous tutorials:

   TabItem Validation, Part 1
   TabItem Validation, Part 2


Monday, 7 March 2016

Nuget cheat sheet

         I use nuget from the nuget console rarely enough to always have to google for the commands I need. Hence, here's a couple of commands I use most often:

Install-Package NUnit
Uninstall-Package NUnit

Lists all package's versions available from the current source based on the filter word:

Get-Package -ListAvailable -AllVersions -filter NUnit -source

If we want to install some specific version of a package, we can use:

Install-Package NUnit -Version 1.0.0

If we want to install specific package into specific project:

Get-Project NameOfTheProject | Install-Package NUnit

Or, if we want to install specific package for all projects:

Get-Project -All

Sunday, 31 January 2016

ASP.NET MVC, Identity 2, Sqlite

        Recently I've added users and roles with the Identity 2 support in my ASP.NET MVC project. There were several gotchas that slowed my down considerably. I'll just list them one by one:

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Logging of EF generated queries and errors

I've been working on a small ASP.NET MVC project lately. I've added log4net and configured some basic logging. I haven't set it up for EF. I've wanted to start off with some first entities and a sqlite db. I have been getting the missing column exception from the ef provider. There's a nifty feature in the db context which allows to log all the generated queries and more details on errors/exceptions in EF.

public MyDbContext() : base(ConnectionString)
     this.Database.Log = input => Debug.WriteLine(input);

It's really useful when you want to add some logging quickly to see what's going on underneath.