I watched some of the videos that appeared @
Not as many as I would have liked to, but I'll try to add more reviews as I watch them.
Venkat Subramaniam: Asynchronous Programming on the .NET Platform
This lecture covers the basics of multithreaded .NET programming with focus on async/await, it skims through some of the older notions. If you'd like to listen to something more advanced than the bare bones don't bother.
Scott Meyers: Better Software — No Matter What
Part of a larger 6 hour course describes various programmer's work optimization methods. Focuses mainly on C/C++ but all those methods are vague enough to be applied to pretty much any programming language. I found the lecture interesting, with many tips and tricks rather obvious, which doesn't mean often used.
Robert C. Martin - Clean Architecture and Design
Uncle Bob as always very entertaining. This time he goes through the history of architectural design patterns. Digressing every now and then with tid bits of the programming past and present. It is a quite interesting lecture, revolving around the topic we can expect from the lecturer, which is: separation of concerns.
Continuous Delivery by Jez Humble ( .NET Rocks!)
I'd listen to it in the podcast form anyways, hence why not add it here. Half of the show is about continuous integration and obstacles for continuous integration such as bad code architecture and difficult team intercommunication. There's some information about feature switching in continuous delivery, easy acceptance testing, testing the hypothesis, cheap failures, companies which use CD such as facebook also a lot of other banter.